
We encourage the wearing of the items listed:


  • School polo-shirt – white
  • Grey trousers or shorts
  • School sweatshirt
  • Ankle socks (not trainer socks)


  • School polo-shirt – white
  • Grey skirt or pinafore (blue, black or grey tights, not leggings)
  • Grey trousers
  • Blue and white check cotton dress
  • School sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Ankle or knee socks (not trainer socks)

Sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts with the school logo are available from Monkhouse our uniform supplier. Uniform can be bought online or from the Monkhouse shop:-

Unit 1B Plaza, 21 Sanford Street, Swindon SN1 1HE 01793 520843 (please check their website for opening times).

Other items of clothing can be obtained from local chain stores. Please make sure your child wears suitable low-heeled footwear (not trainers) and a change of shoes in wet weather. During showery or cold weather children will need outdoor coats for use at playtimes; these should be named.


Plimsolls (velcro’d until your child can do up their own shoe laces), blue shorts, PE T-shirt (also available at monkhouse.com), swimming costume (for autumn term swimming in Year 2)
Football boots or old trainers and blue tracksuits for junior age children.

Games kit should be in school during school hours and kept in a draw-string bag. Please wash regularly. A bag suitable for PE kit is available through the school. The cloakrooms are small and, therefore, large sports bags or holdalls are unsuitable.

All clothing should be clearly named.  The school cannot be held responsible for clothing, footwear or other items that have been lost or misplaced or for natural wear and tear.

Second Hand Uniform

Some items of second hand uniform are available. Great Bedwyn school now has a dedicated ‘Uniformerly’ webpage advertising all of the second-hand uniform currently instock and you can also sell uniform on here too.
It’s free to use and you don’t need to create an account to view the website.

Donations (especially sweatshirts) are always welcome.


We cannot take responsibility for any jewellery, toys, watches or money brought onto school premises. Please discourage your child from bringing unsuitable toys to school. Jewellery should NOT include bracelets, necklaces or dangling earrings, as these are likely to be a danger in the playground or during PE.

Name labels

Quality name labels for your children’s clothes are available from Stikins.  These multipurpose stick on name labels are suitable for all kinds of school items, including school uniform, P.E. kit, and subject equipment.  Please follow the link below to purchase labels.  The GBSA receive 30% commission from all labels sold.