The ethos of Great Bedwyn CofE School is one which values the individuality of the child. The staff and governors are committed to a policy which seeks to meet the individual needs of each child, particularly by developing and reinforcing self-esteem and by encouraging a positive attitude to life. To these ends, each child is helped to achieve a feeling of success in some aspect of school life and every effort made to instil a sense of pride in themselves and their work. Our vulnerable learners, including our pupil premium and SEND pupils are actively encouraged to participate in events and clubs, to further develop their confidence, self-esteem and ensure that they feel part of a community. Excalibur Academies Trust’s Policy is consistent with the fundamental principles contained in the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice, 2014.
We are committed to ensuring that our pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities make the best possible progress. Key to achieving this are the three I’s:
Inclusion: It is vital that all learners, including those with Special Education Needs & Disabilities (SEND), have access to the best teaching. Our curriculum is designed with that in mind and our teachers are skilled in providing access to learning for all. Our classrooms are inclusive with facilities designed to make our learners empowered. Necessary adaptations are always made to ensure full access for SEND students.
Identification: The early identification of SEND is very important in allowing children to thrive. We use several diagnostic and assessment tools and monitor progress carefully. If we spot potential gaps in understanding we act quickly, putting interventions and support in place as soon as possible. Interventions are used to accelerate progress and a system of ‘pre-teaching’ is used for those who may benefit from additional support.
Progress is closely monitored and if necessary we write personalised plans, in partnership with parents. Targets are set, taking into account the way each child learns best.
Involvement: Our relationship with parents and carers is key to ensuring SEND children are successful in their learning journey. We host regular meetings with families to build strong working partnerships. We also have a Parent Steering Group to support the school in planning SEND provision.
Where it will be of benefit to the child, we also seek advice from other professionals.
Wiltshire Local Offer
The Wiltshire Local Offer provides information and guidance on services for children and young people, aged 0-25, with SEND. This website contains information about education, health, social care, preparing for adulthood and leisure. It is also your opportunity to provide feedback and help shape the future services.