The purpose of the School Council:
- To allow the children at Great Bedwyn Primary School to have a voice
- To help the school and community be a better place
- To help to improve learning in the school
- To raise funds for the school
At school council meetings, we decide on the most effective ways to change and improve the school and then talk to the people who can help to make it happen. The school councillors record ideas from their peers, ready to bring to the next School Council meeting for discussion. School councillors regularly share news and information about new initiatives and the important things which are achieved with their classes. We hold school council meetings weekly. Together we can help Great Bedwyn Primary School to continue to grow and succeed.

The School Council is made up of representatives from years 3 – 6. Each year group elects two representatives, who attend meetings and give feedback. Older members involve KS1 as appropriate.
Examples of our work:
- Questionnaires designed to survey children’s well being
- Forming a child-friendly anti-bullying charter
- A visit to Houses of Parliament
- Organising Charity Events e.g. Children in Need
- Zoned activity areas in the playground
- Drive Slowly signs in the village
- Building a new Trim Trail after canvassing views from children, all staff and parents; obtaining quotes and action plans