At Great Bedwyn School we value a strong home school partnership. We believe that homework activities play an important part in developing our children as successful learners. It is for this reason that homework is known in our school as home learning.
To reinforce skills, ideas and concepts introduced in school
For parents to share in their child’s learning
To communicate to parents what is being covered in school
To encourage children to take increasing responsibility for their own learning
To promote life long learning
Across the school, we strongly encourage our children to read regularly and to develop their reading skills. We do this so that, as they become accomplished decoders, they move on to appreciate and reflect on text at a deeper level. Fostering this deeper understanding is developed alongside accessing increasingly challenging texts.
Reading Records
Children in every year group read every day. To help parents support their child in developing their reading skills, a help sheet can be found on the back page of each child’s home learning book. It is expected that parents and carers sign and comment in their child’s reading record each time their child reads at home.
Home Learning Books
From Year 1, every child is given a home learning book. On the inside front cover, a summary of the home learning will be set out. It will show the days on which homework will be set, and the days it will be expected to be handed back in. Each week, spellings and written tasks are recorded in the home learning book.
Times Tables
The national curriculum expects all children to know and recall all their times table facts up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4. Times tables is therefore a focus for home learning and reinforcement.
Remote Learning
If the school is forced to fully or partially close for any reason we are committed to providing children with quality learning opportunities from home. Remote learning is delivered using a combination of on-line resources, live lessons through Microsoft Teams and printed resource packs.